What Could Be (Everyday Love Book 1) Read online

Page 7

  Carly, the office manager, seemed to know the instant he’d entered the room because she straightened herself just a little too slowly, intentionally allowing the view of her short skirt to last a moment longer than necessary. Her charcoal darkened eyelids batted thick lashes under a single raised eyebrow as if to say she knew how great her assets were and she wasn’t ashamed to flaunt them. She gave him a coy smile before closing the door of the refrigerator with a slight bump of her hip. The deep plunge to her snug black sweater’s neckline left little to the imagination and Josh looked away, silently wishing he’d hit the Starbucks drive thru instead.

  “Hey, Josh,” Carly practically purred as she took a step toward him. “Just tossing out the week’s leftovers before I head out for the weekend. A few of us are heading to O’Rourke’s in a few if you’d like to join us.”

  A few years ago, Josh probably would have taken her up on the offer just to get out and network. Carly herself might have once appealed to him, for the short term. Now, though, after Skye, after Brendan, after being redeemed by a loving Savior who had changed everything about him from the inside out, he just wasn’t interested.

  Her blatant attempts at seduction held little allure, and while he could admire the care she took in her appearance, she just simply wasn’t what he was looking for anymore. He’d known too many women like her when he was working with the hockey team. All he could muster at this moment was a mixture of pity, discomfort, and more than a little disgust. He knew he shouldn’t react this way, knew he should have a little more compassion for a girl who probably had lost her way and try a little harder to see her through God’s eyes. It sure wasn’t easy to do, though.

  “No thanks. I’ve got to go get Brendan.”

  With a flirty pout, Carly sniffled in fake displeasure.

  “Aw, what a good daddy. Too bad you can’t get a sitter, though. All work and no play makes daddy a dull boy.”

  He forced a half smile, “Yeah, probably. But I actually like my boring life.”

  Carly seemed to know Josh wouldn’t be giving in to her, but instead of taking the hint over the past several months, she’d apparently taken it as encouragement to mess with him and doubled her efforts.

  Like right now, as she raked her perfectly manicured fingernails along the ridge of his shoulder and across his back as she walked past him. Her hips moved in an exaggerated sway, and if he wasn’t so uncomfortable he might actually find it funny.

  She gave him a heavy-lidded slow wink over her shoulder as she left the room, and Josh turned away from her and locked his eyes on the coffeepot. Ugh, it had obviously been cleaned out already. Well, that was a waste of time.

  He silently counted to sixty to give Carly enough time to disappear before he slipped out of the room and back into his darkened office. Grabbing his briefcase and keys from the desk, he glanced around a final time to make sure he hadn’t forgotten anything and locked the door. He listened for any sound of the would-be seductress as he waited for the elevator to take him to the underground parking garage.

  Whew. All clear.

  As Josh strolled in to the little building at the school a short time later, he caught Brynn’s eye and grinned widely at her. There was just something about this girl he could definitely consider pursuing. She was wearing a long and fairly shapeless cable sweater with a big poufy high neck that looked like a giant scarf or something—what was that called again? Not turtle neck. Cow neck? Cowl. Cowl neck. What kind of word was that?

  Regardless, she looked cute with some leggings in a funky pattern that matched the sweater and a pair of black boots over the top that came up about mid-calf. Her gorgeous long hair was in a messy bun on top of her head, but with all the activity of an obviously long day, she had wispy pieces sticking out in all directions and it was starting to wobble out of place. She was at this moment about the exact opposite of Carly, and yet she was positively the most beautiful thing he’d seen in ages. He swallowed and his mouth was suddenly dry as dust. As always, it seemed, when she was near.

  “DAD!” Brendan shouted as he threw his little arms around Josh’s long legs. Man, he loved those crazy knock-you-down hugs.

  “Hey, buddy,” he replied, grinning back at his energetic miniature. “How was your day?”

  “It was awesome! Miss Brynn showed us how to make paper airplanes and cranes! They really flap their wings! And Mr. Robert wasn’t here today, but Miss Gina was, and she let us play football again and even though I didn’t make a touchdown, I still got the ball from Tyler and it was so fun!”

  The whole time Brendan was talking, he couldn’t have breathed more than once, and his legs and arms were in constant motion like an excited puppy’s tail.

  “All right, bud! That sounds really cool,” he paused, noticing for the first time that it seemed Brendan was once again the last to be picked up, “but we should probably hit the road so Miss Brynn and Miss Gina can leave, too.” He looked back to Brynn with an apologetic look.

  “I’m sorry if I was late. We’ll just get out of your way here in a sec so you can get your weekend started.”

  “It’s no problem,” she replied with a friendly smile, “It’s only been a minute or two since the two kids before went home.”

  He confirmed it was just seconds past 6:30 on the wall clock next to the door and then looked around curiously at the well cleaned room, all signs pointing to their readiness to close up. Brynn noticed his quirked eyebrow and laughed.

  “Gina and I have plans tonight, so we figured we’d get everything settled for the night as early as possible. Since most of the kids seemed to be leaving early it was easy enough to tackle.”

  “You don’t need to explain. It’s Friday and I totally get it. Well, we’ll be going, then.” He flashed her a giant grin, dimple and all, winked, and grabbed Brendan’s hand as they walked out. Gina was standing by the door with her keys in hand watching the interaction with slightly narrowed eyes that held a mischievous glint. He nodded to her as they left the building and she gave him a knowing smile.

  “See ya Brendan! Have a nice weekend, Mr. Davis,” Gina shouted behind them, still grinning like a Cheshire cat.


  “Oh, my, my, my, Miss Brynn!” Gina exclaimed as she turned toward Brynn, her brown eyes wide and glinting like the cat that ate the canary.

  “What?” Brynn asked, examining the room for a clue.

  “Mr. Davis totally has a thing for you!” Gina’s wide toothed grin spread across her flawless olive toned face as she pointed a finger in Brynn’s direction with a playful sing song to her voice.

  “What?! You’re crazy!” Brynn shook her head at her friend, who was clearly delusional.

  “Nuh-uh. I’ve been watching lately when he picks up Brendan. He looks at you like a starving guy at a barbecue place. And when he talks to you? That smile? Girl, I’ve never seen that dimpled little sucker pointed in my direction. I’d remember. It’s killer cute!” Gina tilted her chin sassily with a raised eyebrow, like Brynn was dense and had missed some big clues.

  “Oh, see! He’s just enamored with his adorable son and Brendan’s excitement over every little thing. And his smile was to apologize for being late,” Brynn dismissed.

  “Uh-uh. Not buying it. And I think you like him too,” Gina looked shrewdly at Brynn. “So, do you?”

  “Do I what?”

  Gina frowned at Brynn for not cooperating. “Do. You. Like. Him?”

  Brynn hesitated only a micro second before shaking her head and laughing. “Gina, you have a seriously wild imagination. I don’t see any of what you’re talking about. Even if I did like him—and I’m not saying I do—that would be completely inappropriate! Not only am I his son’s caregiver, which is basically like being his employee, but I don’t even know him well enough to like him. Plus, there’s Caleb.”

  “Methinks thou dost protest too much,” Gina delivered with a haughty air in a poorly put-on English accent. “I like how you threw Caleb in there at the end. Interestin
g. Almost like he was an afterthought.”

  “I did not!” Brynn blew out an exasperated breath as she grabbed her stuff, turned off the lights, and brushed past Gina at the door. You so did! She pushed the accusing little thought aside.

  Climbing into her car, Gina gave a very pointed look to Brynn over the roof before continuing, “For the record, I was messing with you. I mean, I definitely see a spark, but I was just teasing. Judging by your reaction, though, I can see I’m not that far off base but you’re not ready to admit it. I won’t say anything else about it, but just keep an open mind, ok? You never know what good things God might have planned for you, if you’d just relax and not take everything so seriously. Now let’s go grab a pizza and some junk food on our way back to my place. I need a good, predictable rom-com and some chocolate.”

  Several hours, two chick flicks, and probably a few thousand calories later, Brynn crawled into the spare bed at Gina’s with a freight train of thoughts. She tried to shove them all away, but being the classic over-thinker that she was, it was hard to shut off that brain of hers.

  Caleb wasn’t an afterthought. He was a great guy. One she’d be spending plenty of time with this weekend, by choice. And while she’d had a couple of pleasant interactions with Josh…uh, Mr. Davis was probably safer…that didn’t mean she liked him, liked him. Or that Gina was right about him liking her. And even if Gina was right, that didn’t mean anything. Brynn doubted Gina’s ‘observations’ anyway. Brynn resolved to let it go, rolled over, and let sleep overtake her.

  Chapter 10

  Caleb greeted Brynn late Saturday afternoon with a soft kiss to her temple. His gaze swept over the outfit she had carefully selected for the anniversary dinner. Not too nice, not too casual, and the perfect balance of cute, sophisticated, and not-trying-too-hard.

  “Hey, babe, you look great. You ready to go?”

  Brynn flashed Caleb a sweet smile as they walked out the door. He placed a hand at the small of her back and opened the car door for her. She appreciated the gestures, gentlemanly and thoughtful.

  As they drove to the restaurant, Brynn took a moment to watch Caleb out of the corner of her eye. He was talking about the latest program he was working on at school, and she struggled to pay attention to his words. She didn’t understand most of it, so she’d developed an unfortunate habit of tuning him out when he got started. She nodded along, considering the masculine lines of his cheek and jaw. He was always perfectly clean shaven, and while he usually kept his hair neatly trimmed, it had been getting a little shaggy lately with all the hours he put in for school. He was a good-looking guy; the perfect height for her to wear a low heel and still look slightly up, thin but not skinny, somewhat muscular though not exactly well-defined. She knew he worked out a couple times a week to manage his stress, but if he had the choice between working out and finishing a project, school won every time.

  “You ok, babe?” He gave her a quick glance and then turned back to watch the road.

  “Uh, yeah, why?”

  He grinned and replied, “Because you were staring at me. Not that I don’t get it. I mean, I am a pretty fantastic specimen and all.”

  She laughed and fake punched his shoulder.

  “You’re such a brat!”

  “Ooh, dodging the question. Way to wound a guy!”

  “I’m not dodging. I was just noticing you need a haircut again, slacker! You’re getting curly around the ears. And maybe some time outside in the sunshine. You’re looking a little Dracula these days.”

  His jaw dropped and he mimed a knife stabbing his belly, but the crinkle at the sides of his eyes gave away his teasing. “You kill me, woman. Brutal!”

  “You know I adore you, goofball,” she said as she gave his shoulder a light squeeze.

  “Back at you, babe.”

  He reached over and grabbed her hand, threading their fingers together. It was a sweet gesture, comfortable in its familiarity. She looked up at his profile again, wondering if he really could be The One. Steady, dependable, there for her. Sweet, caring, thoughtful. Gentlemanly, understanding, and ambitious. He’d make a great husband and father someday. He was funny, but serious when need be. So many things on her list and so many little boxes checked. She held out hope that one day she’d find a little passion or spark when he looked at her, though. She kept hoping that at some point she’d either feel butterflies in his presence or that the desire for the butterflies would fade in place of the peace and comfort she felt with him.

  Maybe someday.

  The weekend seemed to fly by. Brynn and Caleb had enjoyed dinner with Nonny and Gramps and the rest of his rather large family. They were good people who welcomed her as part of the clan. They ate, laughed, and visited with one another until the restaurant closed.

  After church on Sunday they spent several hours at the Albuquerque Zoo, enjoying the late October weather and cool sunshine. It was one of her favorite places in town. She loved to take her time walking through the Africa area, observing the youngest orangutans interact, hearing the Siamangs hoot, and watching the other animals with curiosity. They held hands and strolled through the polar bear exhibit, delighted by the rare occurrence of the bears being more active in the cooler weather. It was a wonderful day and she dreaded that she now had to return to the hum drum of school and work. Well, work was fun. School, not so much.

  If only school didn’t feel so much like work. Education had never felt like such a chore. Lately she was second guessing her decision to switch to nursing. For several weeks now she’d struggled in her classes with paying attention to the materials. It wasn’t that it was too challenging for her or that she couldn’t succeed in the classes. But lately…sigh…lately her heart just wasn’t a hundred percent in it. She still wanted to work with children, to teach them to be healthy and to help them get there. She still was interested in elements of it all, but that spark she’d felt when she’d first applied to the BSN program just wasn’t there. She kept trying to deny the regret that kept coming back over and over again that maybe she’d made a hasty choice in switching degrees.

  Maybe education really had been her best path, the one God had designed for her. She had no doubt that God would bless whatever career path she ended up taking, though, because ultimately, she knew He’s a good God who loves His children and He’d always take care of her.

  But would she be as happy nursing as she would be teaching? She had no answer for that question. That bothered her a lot.

  Finally annoyed with her own wavering, Brynn decided to do something about it. She turned to her heavenly father as she resolved to walk to her advisor’s office. Feet in motion, Brynn looked all around at the interesting concrete buildings and adobe style architecture that meshed together in a way only buildings in New Mexico could pull off. 1960’s modern stood side by side with early 1900s pueblo style, next to a mish mash of landscape styles, other random architectural designs, and lavish but mysterious sculptures and oversized art pieces from various periods of UNM history. She admired all these sights while telling God her heart’s troubles.

  Lord, I’m really confused. I wanted to be a teacher for so long. I can remember playing school with Trey, always the teacher to his reluctant student. I knew I’d be good at it, and caring for kids has always been second nature to me. But then after things with Aiden, God, it made me second guess everything. If I was so wrong about him, then what else in my life was I wrong about, you know? I thought nursing would be the perfect choice for me. I’d get a job in pediatrics and still get to work with kids, and a ton of other new and exciting pros on my list. I’ve thought this through so many times the past couple years and thought it was settled. Why am I feeling a check in my spirit NOW? Why the uncertainty and doubt, and feeling like I’ll forever regret not pursuing education? I really need your guidance, Lord. Please.

  Brynn felt peace wash over her entire body like a wave as she opened the advisement office door. She’d ask her questions, get some answers, and maybe get her li
fe back on the right track. Or at least help her see she was already on it.

  Okay, well that was a bust, she thought almost an hour later as she rode the shuttle back to the parking area. Because she’d been pushing herself so hard, she was so close to getting that BSN in just a few more terms, summers included. But she’d done most of her undergrad in Elementary Education already before she had taken that year off and switched degrees, so if she wanted to change back, she’d still actually have pretty much the same exact amount of time left to finish with either degree! She was torn about what to do, and the undergrad advisor didn’t really help a whole lot. He’d offered to send her upstairs for the career aptitude testing they offered when students weren’t sure which direction to focus their studies in, but she’d taken that test back when she’d changed to nursing already. Taking it the first time a couple years ago had pointed out her number one aptitude was something working with children, with her second highest field in science. The list had topped out with science teacher, elementary teacher, child psychologist, or pediatric medicine. Big surprise there.

  The next week was Halloween. Cordova had a long-standing tradition for the kids to do a Storybook Parade on Halloween morning every year. Since it was on a Tuesday this year, she was glad she could actually attend as her classes didn’t start until 10. Brynn always loved seeing the kids in costume, and a lot of the teachers partnered up with the others in their grade level to dress up in a common theme. Everyone brought the book that went with their costume, and Brynn had helped several of her students come up with book ideas that could go with the costumes they’d already chosen.

  Brynn and Robert had been working in the before school care program together that morning, so they walked together after locking up to watch the parade. They shared a laugh at some of the clever costumes many of the kids had come up with. One little girl was particularly adorable in a striped sweater, her face painted to match, an oversized toy thermometer in her mouth, and her dark curls flopping on her shoulders as she walked carrying the book, A Bad Case of Stripes. There were dozens of Disney princesses and Marvel and DC Comics superheroes, quite a few pirates and various animals and cartoon characters. Robert pointed out the first-grade teachers all dressed like the characters from various If You Give a ______ books by Laura Numeroff and the second-grade teachers as characters from The Wizard of Oz. Brynn laughed at the custodial staff dressed like giant Minions. The whole school really got involved in the event.