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What Could Be (Everyday Love Book 1) Page 4


  Oh my goodness! She tried to pay attention to her little brother Trey’s excited chattering about the new car he hoped to get. He’d been uncharacteristically talkative the whole meal and she’d been enjoying seeing him so excited about something. But seeing Josh Davis outside the restaurant had distracted her and that dimpled smile and slightly scruffy jawline with those sparkling eyes had her forgetting her family for a second. I may have a boyfriend, but I also have eyes. And ooh, but that guy is cute.

  She glanced behind her but he had already gone inside with the older gentleman he’d been talking to. Bummer. Wait, what? She brushed it off and turned back to Trey with a silent shake of her head.

  “Sorry, Trey, what was that?”

  “Nothing, I’m done. I just realized that I’ve been talking nonstop like a girl all night.” He grinned sheepishly and jammed his hands in his pockets, kicking a rock with the toe of his shoe.

  “Like a girl?!” She playfully punched at his bicep with a scoff. “What’s wrong with talking when you’re excited about something? I think it’s pretty awesome you’re talking this much and feel so passionate about something. You’re 16, and a guy, and normally it’s all grunts and head nods. I’m pretty stoked to hear you actually have a voice and an opinion on anything besides video games these days!” Brynn grinned teasingly at her little brother.

  Even with the 6-year age difference, they’d always been close and seeing him this happy as he practically sprang between steps reminded her of when he was a little kid following her around everywhere. Of course, she couldn’t miss the opportunity to tease him just a little. Was he really old enough to be getting his driver’s license already? Goodness gracious.

  She looked over at her parents and felt a contentedness wash over her that she hadn’t experienced much lately. Between school, work, and squeezing in time with Caleb, she realized she’d been neglecting this important time with her family. Which was ridiculous, because that had been the whole point of moving back home last year. Trying to successfully balance everything on her own had been a rude awakening, and she’d missed her people. She couldn’t ask for a more supportive bunch.

  “It’s too bad Caleb couldn’t have joined us this evening,” said her dad.

  “I know,” Brynn agreed, “but he has a big exam coming up in one of his classes and he’s been working around the clock. They’ve had projects in a couple other classes that have been really pushing them hard and there hasn’t been much time for anything else lately.”

  She saw her parents exchange a fleeting look. What that’s all about? Her thinly sculpted eyebrows dipped into a light frown, trying to discern a deeper meaning but coming up empty. She understood Caleb’s need to prioritize school…mostly.

  She wasn’t one of those clingy type girls who needed to be the center of her boyfriend’s universe. She was a strong, independent young woman with goals of her own and though she held fairly traditional values and definitely wanted to be married and thinking about starting a family by 25 or so, she’d rather postpone her timetable than end up with the wrong person.

  She adored Caleb and treasured their friendship, uh, their relationship, but she still didn’t feel sold that he was The One. But why make a decision either way until she had to? Once they graduated, he’d probably be a lot more attentive and maybe by then she’d feel a hundred percent convinced.

  Chapter 5

  The next afternoon was filled with constant activity. Brynn’s classes had assigned a ton of homework and she was stressing about getting it all done. The after-school program was in full swing and it felt like there were children everywhere. She looked at Erica in the big, open playroom and as their eyes met, she mouthed, I’ll be right back. She quietly entered the homework/STEM room and was greeted with the bliss of several decibels’ less noise.

  She walked around the tables of children working diligently on their homework, peering over their shoulders as she passed to see if anyone looked like they needed help. Everyone seemed to be doing fine, until she got to Brendan. He looked up at her with a hard frown.

  “I can’t do this, Miss Brynn,” he said, dejectedly. She’d never seen him like this. His crestfallen expression nearly did her in.

  “Whatcha working on, kiddo?” She looked over his shoulder and decided to take a seat in the empty chair next to him.

  “I don’t know what to do. I can’t read these big words yet but my teacher told us what to do and now I can’t ‘member what she said,” Brendan’s little voice was adorable even in frustration and Brynn’s heart tugged to help him figure it out.

  “Well, let’s see.” She perused the math page and realized what he was supposed to do. It wouldn’t be hard, but the big words would be frustrating for most kindergarteners. “Okay, I get it. I’ll read you the instructions and tell you what to look for, but you have to follow the directions yourself. See the picture with the book shelf here? See all the toys on it? It says to circle the robot in green.” He did as directed with his tiny pink tongue peeking out one side of his teeth in careful concentration.

  “Now it says to circle the toy on the shelf above the robot in blue,” she paused to allow him to do so. “Now it says to circle the toy next to the ball in red.” His class must be working on position words in math, she supposed. They kept going similarly until he was finished.

  “Thank you for helping him,” a low voice said from behind her. His breath tickled the tiny hairs on her neck.

  Brynn turned around and glanced up to see a pleased look on Josh’s face. He was leaning over to look at the worksheet. She could smell his cologne faintly. It was a really nice blend of woodsy and sporty—not too sweet, too spicy, nor too chemical. Expensive, and kind of sexy. Snap out of it, girl. He was standing way too close for comfort.

  “My pleasure,” she replied. Was the A/C working in here? “I think he’s all done for tonight, but you’ll probably want to check it when you get home to be sure.”

  “Absolutely.” Josh stood to his full height, and it was suddenly a lot easier to breathe. A blessedly cool draft from the air vent overhead hit her.

  Turning to Brendan he added, “it’s time to get going, bud. You’ve got soccer tonight.”

  “YESSSSS!” Brendan ejected in an excited hiss. He jumped out of his seat and put his homework in his backpack and ran for the door. “Bye, Miss Brynn! See you tomorrow! I get to go play soccer!” He punched the air as his legs did a comical hop-jump-skip motion in place.

  She laughed and waved to Brendan and his father as they ducked out of the room. Brynn glanced up at the clock and realized it was time for her to leave as well to get to class on time. She hoped that class tonight didn’t add to her already abundant workload. Grabbing her purse and her own backpack, Brynn called out a goodbye to Gina, who waved back in reply across the room.

  She hustled down the noisy ramp of the portable building and across to the parking lot. Josh was still buckling Brendan into his booster seat when she reached her car. She tossed her bags on to the passenger seat, buckled herself in, turned on the radio, and started up the car. She realized she was right behind Josh’s truck as they both exited the parking lot at the same time. She smiled at the reflection she saw in his rearview mirror and she noticed the shadow of his hand toss her a little wave. Brendan stretched his little head to see behind him but couldn’t quite reach, but she tossed a little wave in his direction anyway.

  Her little SUV stayed behind them a few more blocks before they turned right into a somewhat older neighborhood that she knew was filled with nice little houses perfect for young families and older couples. She kept driving on toward her freeway onramp and headed for the university, thinking about the short interaction and wondering about what kind of home Brendan and his dad had made for themselves.

  She knew Josh had primary custody, and Brendan had never mentioned a step mom. She couldn’t help but wonder if there was someone special in Josh’s life helping to make his house a home. Not that it matters t
o me, of course. I just hope if he IS dating someone or in a relationship, it’s someone who will love Brendan the way he deserves. That kid is something special, even if his own mother can hardly see it. And Josh seems pretty special, too. I hope if there is someone, she treasures them both.

  Just then, her mobile rang. It was Caleb calling again.

  “Hey babe, I know you’re off to class early, but I wanted to catch you and see if you might want to pick up dinner and come hang out after class later. I’m stuck here finishing this project but I could take a break to eat and see you for an hour or so.”

  “Um,” Brynn thought about all the work she had to do for her own classes and tried to decide the wisest choice before replying, “Sure. I’d like that. What sounds good? Burgers?”

  “That sounds good. I’ll have the usual. See you around 8?” She heard the rustle of paper and then a clicking of keyboard strokes in the background.

  “Yep,” she answered, “I’ve got a lot of homework, too, so we can eat and get our work done together. I have to head home around 10, though. I’ve got to open the classroom tomorrow and can’t be out late like last week or I’ll never make it through the day.”

  “Sounds like a good plan. Love you, babe. See you in a couple hours.”

  They disconnected and she felt happy to have a plan for the evening that would certainly be quieter and more relaxing than her afternoon had been. She’d need it before her long day tomorrow.

  Brynn walked in to Caleb’s apartment just after 8 o’clock, arms loaded down with her purse, backpack, laptop, and two crumpled paper bags. The smell of the green chile cheeseburgers and seasoned fries made her stomach rumble.

  Caleb walked out of his bedroom running a hand over his shaggy brown hair when he spotted her in the entry way. He gave her a charming grin and rushed to grab the bags of food and her laptop bag.

  “Gees, babe, you should have texted me to come to the car and help you drag all that in!”

  “Oh, it’s fine,” she dismissed, touched at his thoughtfulness. “I had it under control.”

  “No doubt, but it’s late and I also don’t like you walking though the dark parking area alone. Call or text me next time so I can walk you in, ok?”

  She smiled at his stubborn chivalry. Always the gentleman, always considerate of her safety. That was definitely a rare quality these days, and one she valued highly.

  They sat down at his ancient second-hand dining table with its mismatched chairs. He shoved piles of notebooks and papers to one half so they could eat. They unwrapped their burgers and began opening the packets of condiments and tubs of special sauce, doctoring their burgers and fries to their own liking—hers heavy on the special sauce, his on the mustard and ketchup. They ate companionably, occasionally discussing parts of their respective days, inquiring about classes.

  Caleb was going to school on a full scholarship for academics and would be graduating in May. He’d been at the top of his class in high school and was working hard to ensure he maintained a high GPA to keep it. Then again, he wasn’t exactly the type to settle for the “Cs get degrees” mindset so many of the other students in college had bought into. He was aiming for magna cum laude, which meant a 3.75 or higher average. It was a lot of work, so his upper middle-class parents helped to cover his expenses outside of tuition that way he could focus on his studies without having to be employed. Caleb worked odd jobs and occasional internships over school breaks and socked away those earnings to supplement his parents’ help during the school year.

  After they finished eating, Caleb gathered the trash while Brynn wiped down the table. She set her laptop on the table catty corner to Caleb’s and pulled out her Anatomy & Physiology II textbook and notes. Caleb did the same with his most recent programming assignment. They continued to work in companionable silence until Brynn had to pack up to go home.

  True to his usual gentlemanly self, Caleb walked Brynn to her car. He smiled and wrapped his arms around her. She peered up into his usually caramel colored eyes that now appeared almost black in the darkness surrounding them. She could see the fondness in them reflecting back at her, and she smiled up at him.

  He bent his head slightly and placed his lips gently on hers in a sweet, lingering goodbye kiss. It wasn’t a spark-inducing, all-consuming fire of a kiss like she used to experience with Aiden, but it was sweet nonetheless. Like Caleb himself—sweet and thoughtful. She returned the kiss lightly and then turned to get into her SUV and head home.

  Waving at him through the rearview mirror, she caught his smile as he waved back and turned around to go back inside his apartment.

  Plink! Her text message tone went off and she glanced down to read it at the next red light. Text me when you get home so I know you’re safe. –C

  She smiled and looked up to see the green light, pressed the accelerator and drove the rest of the way in silence. The quiet drive in the darkness and nearly empty streets was refreshing and recharged the drain she’d felt after such a noisy and full day. Being with Caleb was always relaxing. She never had to guess what he was thinking or wonder where she stood. They didn’t have to fill the time with conversation or activity. It was enough to simply be side by side, each working on their own thing.

  Well, almost enough.

  Chapter 6


  “Dad! Dad! Do you see all the balloons? Do you see them! Look! That one looks like Captain America’s shield!”

  Brendan was pointing out his window from the back seat, wiggling like a puppy smelling treats as he kicked his feet and shouted out each new balloon he noticed. It was the first week of October and the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta would begin that weekend. Hot air balloons of all colors, shapes, and sizes dotted the sky. They were an incredible sight to behold with the backdrop of the Sandia Mountains to the east, and the giant elms and cottonwoods of the Bosque that marked the middle of the city along the banks of the Rio Grande river.

  Josh and Brendan were heading to school early to watch a hot air balloon launch from their campus. It was a long-standing tradition in the community for balloonists all over the city to visit elementary schools and launch their balloons on the Friday before the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta kicked off. Families loved to watch the crew unfurl the balloon, set up the giant fan and basket, and see the burners ignite.

  Even when the weather wasn’t hospitable for launching, the balloonists usually went the extra mile for the kids and would either let them climb in the basket for a quick picture or at least start the filling process to expand the envelope and then pull on the igniter to shoot the gas flames. That always received a big reaction from the onlookers. A lot of families couldn’t afford to go to the balloon fiesta and walk through the field between the hundreds of balloons, so this event at the schools was always well received. This was Brendan’s first year at school, and Josh was looking forward to sharing the experience he’d once enjoyed with his son.

  They pulled into the crowded parking lot and found a space next to a little red SUV. Josh peered inside and realized the driver was Brynn, sipping her travel coffee mug and flipping through Facebook on her phone. Brendan quickly noticed who was in the SUV and he tapped on the window, startling Brynn. Her eyes flew wide and she flinched before recognition dawned.

  “Miss Brynn! Hi! Are you here for the balloons?!”

  She opened her door, grabbed her things, and turned to Brendan with a glowing smile before replying, “Yep, sure am! I love this time of year. It’s finally starting to get cooler, and I can’t wait to take pictures of all the amazing balloons. It’s too bad we’re sort of in the middle of the city and can’t really see the mountains without the rest of the city and all these big old trees in the way. Did you see the dragon balloon on the way here?”

  “Yeah! And I just saw the one that looks like Captain America’s shield!”

  “Oh, I like that one, too.” She tucked an errant strand of her long blonde hair behind an ear, straightened her jacket, an
d darted a glance over to Josh. Her hesitant smile was genuine and kind and its warmth took the edge off the chill in the air.

  Brendan tugged on the bottom of her bright red jacket and when she looked down at him, asked sweetly with wide eyes, “do you want to stand with us to watch the balloon?” How could anyone refuse that face? Josh grinned. Brendan was really working that charm.

  Her eyes darted to Josh, silently confirming it was okay. Apparently satisfied with what she saw in his eyes, she nodded to Brendan and allowed him to grasp her empty hand. He swung their hands in his exuberance and started hopping as they crossed the parking lot. Josh couldn’t help but feel a little prick of envy. Brendan and Brynn could easily pass for mother and son. The thought pulled at his chest like a loose thread from a sweater. Slowing his pace, he was able to observe them both without being noticed.

  She had the most beautiful hair, long and mostly straight but with a slight wave that made it bounce as she walked. The sheen reflected rays of sunshine and he wondered if it was as soft as it looked. He stuffed his hands into the pockets of his fleece jacket to keep himself from reaching out to touch it. He couldn’t, however, take his eyes away from drinking in her profile from foot to head. She had to be at least 5’7”, but with her low-heeled boots she easily reached just above his shoulder. She wore skinny jeans tucked into her boots with a bold red belted jacket that showed off just enough curves without adding bulk to her fairly slender frame. Just then, she peeked over her shoulder at him and grinned, one eyebrow raised with a suspicious glint to her lovely blue eyes.

  “You coming with, slow poke?” she teased.

  He couldn’t help but grin back, even though his words were stuck in his suddenly dry throat, as usual. He swallowed to get a grip on himself and coughed out a response.